Monday, September 15, 2008

Hurricane Ike

We still don't have Hunter and Moonshine because of Hurricane Ike ! We were supposed to get them last week, but we have been waiting on their Coggins test. The vet sends the sample to Texas A & M University to be checked. And Texas A & M has been closed since last Thursday due to the impending hurricane. Which I realize is a VERY small thing compared to the families who have lost everything. It just never crossed my mind that we would feel the effects of the hurricane like that. We are waiting to hear if today is the day.....

UPDATE : The tests still aren't we continue to wait....
UPDATE as of 9/17/08 : Moonshine and Hunter have a negative Coggins test, so we will be making plans to get them soon !
UPDATE as of 9/18/08 : We will be getting Moonshine and Hunter Friday night. More news later !

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