Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Working hard !

Every day brings something wonderful and interesting on the farm. We stay outside until about 9 p.m. at night working. We have put in a very big garden, and we've added lots of animals. We now have Lucy , our Jersey milk cow. She is pregnant and expecting in September. We have her on a schedule to milk her once a day - which is perfect for us right now. We get about 1 1/2 gallons of milk from her each time. I've made butter with the extra cream.
Our Freedom Ranger Poulet Rouge chickens are almost ready to be processed. We are looking forward to will be a learning experience.
We have Bourbon Red turkeys, Black Australorpe (brown eggs) and Araucana/Americana (rainbow colored eggs) eggs layers, and fainting goats.
Red Wattle pigs are coming to the farm in a few weeks, and our first Murray Grey cattle will arrive soon, too.
We have more guinea's (that are still very young), and we are getting another Great Pyrenees dog - Hank. He is 5 weeks old, and we should be able to get him soon.
I've learned to use the tractor, and how to bush hog. We have had a lot of people laugh at what goes on really is fun, and we all love it here !