Saturday, August 30, 2008


Have you ever been hugged by a horse ? We hadn't until we met Badger. We've had to learn how to get him back into his own space, but sometimes he just needs to be held. Some days he lays his head on my head. In this picture he is hanging/laying his head like a baby would on my shoulder. And he's just standing there. It's heavy, but feels good too. My arms are on him, and I'm watching his front hooves. Horse hugs are awesome !

Friday, August 29, 2008

New Shoes

Mooney (11 yrs. old) has 2 front shoes now and is feeling a lot better ! He was running and jumping in the pasture, so they must really help. He is still a slow guy, but he's such a great horse to have for the kids to ride. Badger (5 yrs. old) has also made improvements with his training. We've really been working with him and we are finally seeing results. He is such a big sweetheart, he'd sit in our lap if he could. He can really go, so the little ones don't ride him. Badger gives great horse hugs !

Our life isn't all about horses, but for now it kind of seems that way ! We stay really busy trying to train these 2 guys and give them lots of saddle time. Which isn't hard since the kids love to ride. They have been taking riding lessons, and we've all been learning a lot.....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life With Horses

We spent tonight at the barn with the horses. Mooney was shod by the farrier a little too short, so we might have to put shoes on his front hooves until he isn't so tender. Poor guy. I'm not sure we'll be able to ride him until this clears up. Badger is good....still trying to decide what to do about training for him. Yes, I'm the only person in the family without a pair of boots. Which may not be wise, considering that Badger stepped on my foot one day and broke my Ked's. I was lucky he didn't break my foot, but I just can't bring myself to own boots. Not yet. But it's coming.

Emily Turns 4 !

August 22, 2008
Happy 4th Birthday, Emily ! Tonight we went to Build-A-Bear and then to Toys R Us to pick out a bike for Emily. For dinner Emily chose to eat at a favorite Chinese restaurant. Fun !

Friday, August 22, 2008

Yeay ! We have a blog !

A huge thanks to Blogovers With Love and their hard working volunteers for making our blog possible !

Stay tuned..... :o)
